
With Bitler we aim to help improve the digital skills of people in need ( mostly seniors). We trie to do this by offering fun and interactive workshops around topics like how to work with whatsapp, what are the social media, starting with Facebook,..

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Brussels - Belgium

H&H Education IVZW

H&H Education focuses on the education of children between the ages of 8-18 and strives to improve their chances in society via informal education, the use of personalised learning materials and an innovative digital platform.

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H&H Education IVZW Stokveldewijk 81 8200 Brugge

Hack League

Hack League is the thrilling way for developers to push their limits further. It brings together communities of passionate developers in bite-sized hackathons built around emerging technologies and innovative companies’ challenges.

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sCool answers to the digital social responsibility and new media challenges of primary schools.

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Markgravelei 11, 2018 Antwerpen

Digital Belgium Skills Fund

Support to digital skills initiatives working with socially vulnerable youth

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Brederodestraat 21, 1000 Brussels


Fyxxi stands for: a Future for our Youth with XXIst century skills. Fyxxi is a lab in Ghent where children, teachers and adults ages 5 and up can expirement with a variety of STEAM & maker tools.

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eduCentrum vzw Sint-Pietersaalststraat 38 9000 Gent


Digitalise and connect all local merchants. Then provide them unique loyalty schemes for their customers. We are also creating a chair with VUB about Smartcities. The purpose of this is to helps cities to learn about what means Smartcities.

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Google atelier digital

Online Digital Skills

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BeCentral, Belgium


Make organizations and people ready for the future by leveraging ideas and technologies that have a lasting impact. Our digital solution delivers the right trajectory, methods, tools & experts.

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Dendermondsesteenweg 48 bus 201 - 9000 Gent


BeStarter is an entrepreneurial school which provides a 6 weeks immersion program for entrepreneurs to work on real cases. We gather IT and business students from universities to work together.

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Kantersteen 12, 1000 Brussel


We teach in topics related to art & contemporary technologies, like VR, Arduino, IoT, Python, 3DP,..

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Rue de l'Abattoir - Slachthuisstraat 4 1000 Brussels

Startup Factory

Startup Factory is a startup studio which is offering a formula to efficiently create and develop a start-up venture from inception to scaling in partnership with corporate players.

In just two years and an half, Startup Factory has built more than 20 startups and has included more than 100 talents. During this period, the startup studio also have concluded 10 partnership with corporates and raised 5M.

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Place Sainte Gudule 5 - 1000 Brussels

!Drops vzw

!DROPS is a social innovation agency. As a creative collective, we tackle social issues. From facilitation to creation; from thinking to doing. We work in a multidisciplinary way and see culture and technology as the tools for positive change. We place 'the power of people' at the centre of this. Together we develop sustainable results for a livable 21st century. Close to home and across borders.

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Klokstraat 29, 9050 Gentbrugge


Mediawijs is het Vlaams Kenniscentrum Mediawijsheid van imec vzw en de Vlaamse overheid en stimuleert mediawijze competenties in Vlaanderen en Brussel bij intermediairs en burgers door info-ontsluiting, praktijkontwikkeling, vorming en campagnes.

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Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussel

Brights – All Digital

The purpose of BRIGHTS project is to promote Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in formal and non-formal Educational contexts in Europe, with the help of digital storytelling

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ECDL Foundation

ECDL Foundation is an international organisation dedicated to raising digital competence standards in the workforce, education and society. Our certification programmes, delivered through an active network in more than 100 countries, enable individuals

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Skillz VZW

Skillz vzw organiseert naschoolse en vakantiekampen voor kinderen tussen 4 en 14 jaar. We zoeken de passie bij kinderen zodat ze later de juiste keuzes kunnen maken in het leven!

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Ter Rivierenlaan 103, 2100 Deurne, België


BeCentral is a unique place where children, teenagers and adults will have the opportunity to improve their digital skills. The project is a grass-roots initiative by 28 tech experts, determined to boost Belgium as a digital front-runner.

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Cantersteen 10, 1000 Brussels

Digitale wolven

With Digitale Wolven we want to make IT accessible for kids by going into the classroom, to libraries, vacation camps, digital birthday parties, ..

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Link in de Kabel vzw

It is the mission of Link in de Kabel to bridge the digital divide for underserved youngsters by working on digital skills in order to create opportunities for social, economic and digital inclusion.

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Paul van Ostaijenlaan 22, 3001 Leuven

Digital Leadership Institute

inclusive digital transformation through various projects promiting greater participation of girls and women in tech

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4Wings Foundation

The 4WINGS Foundation allies with social ventures committed to the fight against precariousness in Belgium. In order to create virtuous circles of inclusion, this young public utility foundation does not hesitate to position itself as a venture philanthropist/impact investor. It accompanies innovative social projects on the following issues: access to housing, tech-education and nutrition- & sport-based health.

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Chaussée de Vleurgat 282a bte 1 - 1050 Bruxelles


Hackages is an EdTech startup based in Brussels and Amsterdam. Our mission is to improve the skills of web & software developers by sharing our knowledge and craftsmanship, mostly in JavaScript and its ecosystem. We do this by providing high-quality hands-on training and coaching to both companies and individual developers. On the top of that, we have recently launched our very own platform to offer long-term training opportunities to developers to ensure they are up to speed with the latest technologies. For non-tech people, we also offer a workshop to become familiarised with the tech jargon.

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Avenue Louise 54, 1050, Brussels


D-Teach (, online learning. D-Teach stands for Digital Teaching and provides personalized online learning via virtual classes and experienced online teachers.

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Franklin Rooseveltlaan, 9000 Gent


L'EFP, en partenariat avec le SFPME, vous propose une large palette de formations, en apprentissage (dès 15 ans) et en chef d'entreprise (dès 18 ans).

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EFP - Rue de Stalle 292B - 1180 Bruxelles


We are Sirius - Liège coding school, web training (back-end, front-end & web design) for both refugees and Belgian young people aiming to create a cooperative altogether.

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Rue des Champs, 97 - 4020 Lièfz


Digidak aims at improving e-inclusion by providing low-treshold basic ICT initiations and free entrance moments in public computer rooms, supported by volunteers. We aim at strengthening and connecting people. We reach many thousands of visitors.

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Campus Blairon 714, 2300 Turnhout

Gluon educatie

We organize STEAM programs, combining arts, technology and sciences in project based learning.

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Slachthuisstraat, 4-6 1000, Brussels

Technofutur tic, GPEC

Centre de compétence

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18 avenue Jean Mermoz 6041 Gosselies - Belgique


CodeFever organizes coding classes for children between 8 and 15 years old in more than 25 cities in Flanders. We are expanding to 50 locations in 1 or 2 years.

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Landegemdorp 12 9850 Landegem

CoderDojo Belgium vzw

CoderDojo Belgium is a non-profit movement that organizes free coding workshops in Belgium for kids aged 7 to 18 years. Dojo's are fully set-up and organized by volunteers.

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Liersesteenweg 4, 2800 Mechelen

Le Wagon

Le Wagon is a coding school for startups, creative people and tech entrepreneurs. Our main (paying) program is a 9-week Full-Stack Coding Bootcamp. In addition, we organise free evening workshops, open to everyone.

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Kluwer Opleidingen

Digital Workplace Skills ontwikkelen

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BeCode is a free web development training that aims at enabling people from all backgrounds to acquire digital skills. The intensive training offered by BeCode uses an active pedagogy. The idea is to learn by doing. This means that you will not find teachers, blackboards and tests in our training. Instead, coaches, real projects for real customers and highly motivated learners.

The BeCode training is available in Brussels, Charleroi, Genk, Liège and Antwerp.

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Cantersteen 10-12, 1000 Brussels

LinkedIn Economic Graph

Digitally mapping the global economy to connect talent with opportunity at massive scale.

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Digitale Wolven

With Digitale Wolven our main goal is to make schools more digital. We want to show them (kids and teachers) the possibilities. We do this by giving workshops in the classroom and bringing all the materials needed. On Wednesday afternoon and some evenings, we also give workshops and we also give train the trainers especially for teachers.

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Uitbreidingstraat 2-8 - 2600 Berchem

Maks Digitaal – Capital Digital – BeCode Anderlecht

Digital skills and digital literacy for social inclusion, for Brusseleirs of all ages and origins.

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G Moreaustraat 110 - 1070 Brussel

Digitaal.Talent @Gent

"Digitaal.Talent@Gent is the e-inclusion program of the City of Ghent. We aim to unlock the digital potential of every citizen. We work towards e-inclusion by setting up projects that boost digital access, skills and participation. Together with the local stakeholders (organisations, schools, universities, companies, …) Digitaal.Talent@Gent makes digital access and knowledge no longer a privilege for the advantaged communities. Increasing the digital acces, skills and motivation of the citizens makes it possible for everyone to fully participate in the information- and communication society."

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Digipolis, Bellevue 1, 9050 Ghent, Belgium